Ministries & Parish Services

Food Pantry

Non-perishable food and paper items are available to those in need every Wednesday from 3:30 – 6:00 PM in the Parish Center (behind the school). To replenish this food pantry, parishioners are asked to bring a bag of non-perishable food and paper items to church the second Sunday of each month.

Contact: Ellie Epperson, 610-960-6989

St. John’s Hospice — Meals for the Homeless

Casseroles prepared by parishioners are stored in a freezer in the Parish Hall Annex until picked up every fourth Thursday for the feeding of homeless men at the Center City Hospice. Casserole dishes and lids are available near the freezer in the Parish Hall Annex. Anyone is welcome to participate in this wonderful outreach.

Contact: Mrs. Connie Labowitz, 610-328-0599

St. Vincent de Paul Society Collection

The Society sends a truck twice a year to gather collections of clothing and other useful household items. These are gathered for the poor. Detailed information is provided in the Church Bulletin as the opportunity arises.

Contact: Fr. Kiernan, 610-626-3321

Parish Outreach (Ministry of Care)

Providing opportunities to exercise the Corporal Works of Mercy to people in need. Members of this committee perform a number of service‐related tasks to assist our parishioners.

  • Special Ministers of Holy Communion visit the home bound, and bring them Holy Communion on Sundays or at other times
  • Volunteers assist with the annual Mass of Anointing for the Sick (last Saturday in October), and help with a luncheon provided afterwards in the parish hall
  • Visitations to sick and elderly are arranged, especially at Christmas and Easter times
  • Provide Meals, or deliver Meals to those who are in need. (Sometimes referred to Meals on Wheels)

Contact: Deacon Tom Taylor  610-626-3321

Volunteers for Holy Cross School

Parents and other parishioners, who wish to give of their time in service of our parish children should consider a volunteer position in our parish school. During the day, volunteers assist the teachers, principal, and students in their generous service as lunchroom and recess assistants, homeroom parents, computer or library assistants, and chaperones, for class trips and social events. Volunteers are an important part of the day‐to‐day operation of our school. As required by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, any teenager or adult, who works with children, must complete the following, prior to their assistance to a parish organization:

  • Pennsylvania State Police Background Clearance
  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
  • Attendance to a Safe Environment Session

Contact: Dr. Mary Rose Worrilow, Principal, 610-626-1709


Home & School Association

This association provides information and activities, educational and social, in support of Holy Cross Parish School. General Parent Meetings for school families are held four times per year, and consist both of business and educational programs. All school families are encouraged to participate.

Contact: Dr. Mary Rose Worrilow, Principal, 610-626-1709


CYO (Catholic Youth Organization)

Adults and young adults offer their expertise to the programs that serve our parish youth. The youth come from our parochial school as well as the public and private schools our children attend. The spiritual, social, service and athletic dimensions of youth ministry are under the supervision of an elected CYO Board Member. As required by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, any teenager or adult, who works with children, must complete the following, prior to their assistance to a parish organization:

  • Pennsylvania State Police Background Clearance
  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
  • Attendance to a Safe Environment Session

Contact: Mr. Gerry Gannon, Athletic Director, 610-416-4483
Contact: Mr. Michael Simpson, President, 610-329-9008


Church Cleaners

A team of parishioners who meet once a month to do the light housekeeping in the Church. These tasks include dusting, vacuuming, wiping of furnishings and renewing the Holy Water fonts. This group usually meets on the first Tuesday of each month in the evenings.

Contact: Ms. Dolores Morroni, 610-284-5950

Collection Counters

Teams of parishioners who rotate through a four week schedule to count the Sunday Collections. The commitment of time is about 3‐4 hours on Sunday Morning.

Contact: Father Kiernan, Pastor, 610-626-3321