
PREP Catechists & Classroom Aides

Catechists are dedicated parishioners who teach in our PREP school from September through May. These individuals assist parents in their primary role as “educators of their children in the practice of our Catholic Faith”. We have a good number of children in our PREP program, and there is always a need for newcomers to assist. Please consider using your teaching ability and love of the Catholic Faith to instruct our parish youth. As required by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, any teenager or adult, who works with children, must complete the following, prior to their assistance to a parish organization:

  • Pennsylvania State Police Background Clearance
  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
  • Attendance to a Safe Environment Session

Contact: Mrs. Kelly Meliti, DRE, 610-626-1057


Safe Environment Requirements

Volunteers and employees of Holy Cross who have any involvement with children must have up to date (MUST BE UPDATED EVERY 5 YEARS) copies of their Criminal Record Checks and Child Abuse Clearances in their parish office file.  The PA State Police Criminal Record Check clearance must be processed first and a copy is required to process your Child Abuse Clearance Check.

PA State Police Criminal Record Check – $ 10 Fee
To obtain immediate results:  https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp

To download form:  http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt?open=512&objID=4451&PageID=458621&mode=2

PA Department of Public Welfare – Child Abuse Clearance Check – $10 Fee
To download form:  http://www.dpw.state.pa.us/ucmprd/groups/webcontent/documents/form/s_001762.pdf

Safe Environment Class

You must also attend a Safe Environment Training Session entitled “Protecting God’s Children”.  This class runs 2 ½ hours.
To help you obtain your clearances and locate a training session go to:   http://archphila.org/protection/SafeEnv/sep_main.htm

Information and Communication Technology Addendum

As an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia you are also now required to complete additional training that introduces the Information and Communication Technology Addendum to the Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries.  The Information and Communication Technology Addendum provides clear guidelines for appropriate digital communication with youth in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  The training module you need to complete is web-based.  Registration information and complete instructions can be accessed at www.aoptraining.org.  After successful completion, you will receive an e-mail notification.  Print two copies of this certification.  One should be retained for your personal files.  The other should be placed in your file in the parish office.  THIS MANDATORY TRAINING MUST BE COMPLETED.

Mandated Reporter Training

The Mandated Reporter training is required for all clergy, deacons, volunteers (includes all CYO coaches, assistant coaches, etc.) and employees of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, who during the course of their ministry come into regular contact with children.  Regular contact is defined by the Archdiocesan policy as once a week.  All Archdiocesan employees who come into regular contact with children (defined as at least once a week) must complete a 3 hour training session.  Volunteers who come into regular contact with children must complete a 1 hour session.

Any employee or volunteer that has not completed this mandatory training as of the last session will not be able to continue working/volunteering on behalf of the Archdiocese.  Participants may obtain a full listing of training site locations, dates and times and register online at:
